Friday, December 12, 2008

Hair Loss

(Alopecia, Baldness, Falling Hair)
Scalp hair grows about one centimeters a month for 3 years, then falls out and is replaced by new hair. A person normally sheds from 50-100 hairs a day but with an average of about 300,000 strands on the scalp the loss goes unnoticed. The hair does gets thinner with age, but in some cases, lost hair does not grow back., even in early adulthood. Hair Loss (alopecia) may also be caused by disease, hormonal imbalance, scalp injury, certain medicines, or stress. The hair usually grows back when this cause is corrected

  • Male pattern baldness - the hairline recedes, first at the temples, then at the top of the head leading to partial or extensive (total) baldness.
  • Generalized alopecia - the hair thins out or falls out completely, but usually grows back.
  • Localized alopecia - the hair falls out in clumps (patchy baldness) but usually grows back.
  • Itch, if hair loss is due to scalp infection.
Common Causes:
  • Aging process
  • Hereditary (eg male pattern baldness)
  • Hormonal imbalance (e.g. in women, after childbirth or at menopause).
  • Hair damage due to treatments (e.g. dyeing, blow-drying, perming).
  • Trauma (injury) from hair pulling (e.g. rough brushing, a hairstyle that requires the excessive pulling of hair).
  • Local scalp and general medication disorders.
  • Certain Medicines (e.g chemotheraphy medicines, arthritis medication)
  • Surgery, stress.
What you can do:
  • Hair loss cannot be prevented or reversed when due to the aging process or heredity, but you can try to slow down the rate of the shedding by:
  1. Being gentle to your hair (e.g., using conditioner to prevent tangles,combing with a wide-toothed comb, using hair treatments minimally, blow-drying only when absolutely necessary).
  2. Avoiding hair pulling be it for styling or due to a nervous tendency.
  • If hair loss (whatever cause) is permanent, you can only remedy it by:
  1. Wearing a hairpiece (wig or toupee)
  2. Having hair weaving done.
  3. Having a hair transplant done.
  • Consult a doctor if you suspect that your hair loss is due to a disorder.
What your doctor can do for you:
  • Rule out serious causes of hair loss.
  • Treat any underlying cause of hair loss due to disease, if possible.
  • Prescribe certain medicine that may simulate hair growth.
  • Recommend hair weaving or transplantation, if hair loss is permanent.
Product Guide:

FOLTENE Natrapharm
Vial 10's
Contains Tricosaccaride

Helps improve the appearance,thickness & health of hair & scalp.

How to use
Remove plastic cap & secure the applicator on the top of the vial. The applicator ensures a controlled flow of Foltene on the scalp. After shampooing when hair is towel dried, make a series of partings & apply Foltene directly to the scalp. Do not rinse off. Repeat until whole scalp has been treated & the vial is finished. Use only 1 vial. Massage gently with the fingertips. Do not shampoo again for at least 6 hrs to ensure the essential contact time.

Recommended program attack phase
1 vial every other day. Maintenance phase 2 vials/week (for instances every wednesday & sunday) for 3 months.
Resume the attack/maintenance cycle as needed to maintain hair & scalp condition.
For best results, shampoo your hair as you normally would. A mild shampoo is recommended. It is unlikely you will wish to use your normal conditioner as well as Foltene but if you choose to, do so to aid combthrough.
If it is impossible to wash your hair every other day during the attack phase, apply Foltene to a dry scalp. Do not miss a treatment.

A warm tingling sensation or a slightly reddening is not unusual. This is simply the circulation being simulated, and the effect will disappear after upto 30 minutes.
Avoid contact with eyes. If this should occur, rinse very well with plenty of water.
After coloring, perming or bleaching the hair, wait 2 days before using Foltene again.

Do not apply if there is a lesion on the scalp.

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