Saturday, December 13, 2008


Sexually transmitted diseases (STD)
(Venereal diseases, Genital herpes, Gonorrhea, Non-go-nococcal urethritis Syphilis AIDS, Vaginitis)

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infections passed on by intimate sexual (venereal) contact. Common venereal diseases include AIDs, genital herpes, genital HPV (human papilloma virus), genital ulcers e.g chancroid (painful) and syphilis (painless) genital warts, gonorrhea, non-gonococcal (nonspecific) urethritis, and vaginitis. Not all STDs are discussed in this topic.

Common STD symptoms include genital discharge, growths, itch or sores; groin lumps; skin rashes; and pain when passing urine.

Consult a doctor if you think you have a venereal disease, as only a doctor can confirm and treat it. Do not attempt to treat it yourself.

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