Monday, July 27, 2009
Benefits bone growth and night vision; fights acne and skin disorders.
Vitamin C.
An antioxidant, it is essential for all collagen, skin and immune function.
Vitamin D3
Promotes bone formation, maintains several organ systems and enhances immune system and has anti-tumor and anti-cancer activity. Based on recent studies in the U.S. and Canada, the Canadian Cancer Society recommends supplementation.
Vitamin E d-alpha.
An antioxidant, it also helps maintain your healthy cardiovascular system.
Vitamin K.
Necessary for blood coagulation and bone metabolism.
B1 Thiamine.
Increases mental acuity and supports digestion, brain and nerve function, energy and carbohydrate metabolism.
B2 Riboflavin.
benefits mouth sores, helps build skin and red blood cells and supports healthy metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
B3 Niacin.
Supports circulation, skin health, nerve function, digestion and hormone activity. Metabolizes fats, carbohydrates and protein and helps control cholesterol. Helpful in mental illnesses.
B5, Pantothenic Acid.
This anti-stress vitamin supports adrenal function, helps fight depression, anxiety, fatigue and headaches. It's critical to the metabolism and synthesis of carbohydrates, proteins and fats for energy. Deficiencies can cause fatigue, allergies, nausea and painful burning sensations on the soles of the feet.
B6 Pyridoxine.
Affects more body functions than any other B vitamin. Needed for proper protein absorption and mental function. Helps relieve edema, carpal tunnel syndrome and PMS.
B12 Cyanocobalamin.
Needed for memory and learning, digestion, nerve function, fertility, healthful sleep and energy.
Supports healthy hair and skin, nerve tissue and bone marrow. Synthesizes fatty acids, helps maintain steady blood sugar levels and aids neurological symptoms, e.g., mild depression.
Folic Acid.
Helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels, supports brain health, immune system function and red blood cell production.
Supports bone formation, helps maintain heart rhythm and prevents muscle cramps. Needed for healthy nerves, skin, joints, teeth and energy.
Commonly deficient, it helps maintain proper blood sugar levels.
For healthy nerves, joints and sense of taste. Maintains healthy bones, hemoglobin and red blood cells.
For thyroid function and to help prevent fatigue, dry skin, PMS, poor memory, cold hands and feet, low body temperature, hypoglycemia, course heels, seasonal attitude disorder and high cholesterol.
Carries oxygen from the lung tissues to the blood and is an integral part of enzyme reactions in various tissues.
Balances calcium in bone formation and muscle contractions. Can reduce chances of asthma attacks and kidney stones. Deficiency can cause muscle cramps, restless sleep or restless legs.
For bone growth, protein and fat metabolism, it supports energy, reproduction, healthy nerves and immune system function.
helps form strong bones and teeth.
For proper muscle contraction and heartbeat, it balances water retention, regulates blood pressure and helps prevent kidney stones. It works with sodium to create energy (ATP pump).
Protects the immune system, plays a role in thyroid function, helps reduce cancer and HIV/AIDS risk.
Essential to the immune system, reproductive organs, sense of taste and smell, it helps prevent body and foot odor and can cut the duration of the cold virus. Acne, prostate problems and impaired night vision signal zinc deficiency.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Letting Go

As I stared in your eyes, you ask me why I was about to cry
Coz I knew you’re going to say goodbye
Why can’t you see how much you hurt me this time?
You used to say you were sorry, now you don’t
You don’t even care anymore
I never hated you for not loving me,
But I hate you, for me making me fall even more
When I’m trying to let you go
I’ll never going to let you see through me
I’m never going to show you how broken
I am inside.
My friends tell me to let go,
Or at least to try, but what do I do when I start to cry?
I’m holding you back yet I don’t want 2 let go
I’m fighting back emotions I never fought before.
When you say you don’t need me,
I didn’t expect you to be right.
My head rest on my pillow, I let the tears flows
& ask myself, why I can’t let go?
I know I have said goodbye so many times before
But all roads lead me back to you.
But now, as I say this goodbye, I have this feeling
that I will never see you again.
Honestly, I don’t wanna cross your path in d’ future, coz I don’t want
All these feelings to come back & hurt me once again
I know I can’t let go of my feelings, but I have to let you go
Sorry! If it took me this long to let you go
I still love you, & I probably will love you for a very long time. But somehow I know, I have to move on & get over you.
& the only way for me to do that is to be not around you anymore.
Like what they say, we can't forget someone we loved, we may not want to, but we can't.
Love cannot be forgotten, no matter how hard we try, and how much we think it will ease the pain. It will always be there FOREVER!!! Maybe fate will smile upon us, & we'll see each other again. SOMEDAY!!!

Was it something I did not do that made u turn d’ other way?
Was I too safe by not trying to change our status quo?
What was I waiting for?
Can’t you wait for me a little bit more?
Or am I too late to make things change?
Why do regrets suddenly rush into my insensitive mind?
Why is there a extreme sorrow that burst out from my brown eyes?
Why am I frequently haunted of what might have been?
If I have you, would I be happier?
How would I know?
Now that you have drifted far away from here,
How would I know?
How would I know
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Inspirational Quotes for Heart Broken
It's unfair to think so much of you when you're not missing me at all. To cry when you never shed a tear. To love you when you say words that hurt my heart... and to live when you breathe for someone else.
I loved someone before, I took the risk in loving him even if I dont know what will happen... One day I decided to give up. My friend ask, "Bakit ka sumuko?" I answered back, "napapagod din pala ang puso..."
May mga taong tanga sa pag-ibig, alam ng mahal niya at mahal siya pinakawalan pa! Ang tanga talaga! Tapos sa huli sisisihin ang sarili... iiyak... Ikaw tanga ka ba? Hwag naman sana...
God wont leave us empty. If something's been taken away, He replaces it with something better. He asks us to put something down so we can pick up something greater.
I have so many stupid mistakes in my life but sometimes I did right was to have you as my friend and I definetly don't want to make any stupid mistake again of losing someone like you.
When your down, I'd be here to cheer you up. When your tired, I'd be here to lift you up. I'd be your friend no matter what.
When oceans begin to dry, when love begins to die, when stars begin to fade, I will still be your friend until the end.
It was the end of the world, God asked me to bring 4 people with me to heaven but we were all ready 5. When you came, I couldn't leave so I decided to stay... heaven deserves you more than I..
If I had only one hour to live and I could be with you, I would spend the whole time in your arms.. I wouldn't even tell you I was dying.. I would just hug you tight and say: "payakap ha? matagal akong mawawala e.."
Sabi nila totoo daw na nagkakatotoo ang wish sa falling star, siguro... di ko pa na try... pero kagabi may nakita ako, isa, d ko pinansin, kasi alam ko andyan kana, ano pang hihilingin ko.. WALA na diba?
True love only comes once in a lifetime, so take it as it comes along and enjoy every bit of itwhille it is still burning strong
Saging: Ang pinaka-healthy na prutas sa mundo

Saturday, July 18, 2009
Muscle Ache or Pain

- Muscle ache or pain, often in the arms, back, legs, neck, and shoulders.
- Muscle stiffness or soreness, which limits movement.
Common Causes
- Sudden or excessive exercise.
- Viral infection (e.g. flu)
- Muscle injury (e.g. strain, tear)
- Exposure to cold.
What you can do
- When there is muscle injury, elevate the injured part and rest for 1-2 days.
- Apply a cold compress (e.g. ice pack).
- Apply a hot compress (e.g. hot water bottle, heating pad).
- Take simple painkillers.
- Massage anti-inflammatory or pain relieving balm, cream, or ointment over the injured muscle.
- Consult a doctor if pain thta is due to muscle injury does not decrease in 5 days despite applying the recommended measures.
What your doctor can do for you
- Rule out bone injury.
- Prescribe stronger painkillers.
- Prescribe corticosteroids (anti-inflammatory medicine).

Vertigo, also called giddiness, is the feeling that the room is spinning. The disorder can affect anybody, but is usually harmless. However, when accompanied by other symptoms, vertigo may be sign of undelying disorders (e.g. labyrinthitis).
- Illusion of spinning, which usually occurs when lying down, getting up, or turning the head quickly.
- Loss of balance.
- Nausea, vomiting.
- Ringing in the ears.
- Jerky eye movements.
- Viral illness (e.g. common, cold, flu).
- Decreased blood flow to the part of the brain that controls balance (e.g. narrow arteries that get twisted when turning the head).
- Head injury.
- Transient stroke. (see STROKE)
- Certain medicines, alcohol.
- Migraine.
- Epilepsy in rare cases.
- Meniere's disease (increased fluid in the inner ear), in rare cases.
- Brain tumor, in rare cases.

- Consult a doctor.
- Avoid movements, positions, or substances that bring on vertigo.

- Determine the cause of vertigo and treat it.
- Prescribe appropriate medicine (e.g. antiemetics or anti-histamines).
- Recommend a neck collar if vertigo is brought on by turning the head.

(Nausea & Vomiting)
Vomiting in itself is not a disease, but is triggered by underlying causes, sometimes serious e.g. head injury, stroke, glaucoma, appendicitis and diseases of brain, kidney or womb. Vomiting usually stops on its own and is often is often no cause for concern in adults. Babies and young children, however, run the risk of dehydration in severe vomiting.
- Nausea (urge to vomit), which precedes actual vomiting
Common Causes
- Irritation of the stomach (e.g. due to alcohol, overeating, food poisoning, illness e.g. intestinal flu)
- Serious disorders (e.g. appendicitis, brain cancer, diabetes, gallstones, gastroenteritis, kidney stones, intestinal blockage, liver problems, peptic ulcers)
- Motion sickness, vertigo (SEE MOTION SICKNESS & VERTIGO)
- Migraine. (See Migraine)
- Inhalation of certain chemicals.
- Hormonal changes (e.g.during pregnancy).
- Certain medicines (e.g. general anesthesia).
- Head Injury.
What you can do
- Rest.
- Take small sips of fluid (e.g. water, fruit juice) but do not take alcohol, coffee, fizzy drinks, milk, or tea. All dairy product must be avoided for about a week.
- Take a small amounts of semisolid food (e.g. porridge); avoid solid food for about 3 days.
- Take medicine for preventing motion sickness.
- Consult a doctor if vomiting persists or brings up bood; there is accompanying abdominal pain, fever, loss of appetite, or swollen lymph glands; or you feel drowsy. Also, consult a doctor immediately if a baby or a young child suffers an attack of vomiting.
What your doctor can do for you
- Determine the cause of vomiting and treat it.
- Prescribe antiemetics (anti-vomiting medicine).
- Admit you into hospital, if necessary.
Prevention tips
- Avoid drinking too much alcohol.
- Do not overheat.
- Make sure the food you eat is not spoiled.
- If you suffer from motion sickness under MOTION SICKNESS.